General terms and conditions
Please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us at Lucas Graf Coaching.
You are aware that physical training can sometimes involve risks of injury. By answering and signing the questionnaire, you will be agreeing that Lucas Graf Coaching accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, mental or physical trauma or death. You are also agreeing to the following conditions;
To inform Lucas Graf personally of any physical or mental discomfort, illness or injury prior to commencing a training session.
To follow Lucas Graf's instructions during training to avoid possible injury. You understand that failure to follow instructions may result in a session being interrupted without any right to a refund.
To cancel or postpone agreed sessions at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise the sessions will be charged.
Social Media
In order to create and establish the digital image of Lucas Graf Coaching on the company's own website and in social media, we use and publish pictures and videos on these channels.
With your signature, you agree that Lucas Graf Coaching may use photos and videos taken of you during a training session on the company's own website and social media channels.
The photos and videos will of course be carefully selected. Should you nevertheless discover an unwanted photo or video of yourself on these channels, you can contact Lucas Graf Coaching at any time.
One session lasts 60 minutes. Each subscription has a duration of 12 weeks. All sessions must be completed within this time frame. In the event of time bottlenecks (e.g. holidays, absences), missed sessions can be made up within this time period A postponement to a later date is also possible by arrangement.
Prices and Deadline
The agreed price is according to the invoice which is applied. Please transfer the total amount within 10 days or at the latest before the first session. Payments by Twint are also possible. Cash payments are accepted in exceptional cases.
Payment information
Lucas Graf Coaching Bank: UBS
Eichacherstrasse 9 IBAN: CH36 0027 6276 1147 4801 E
Confidentiality agreement
All information Lucas Graf Coaching receives about you in written or verbal form will be treated as strictly confidential. Excluded from this is information that could endanger your person or third parties.
Guaranteed success
Lucas Graf Coaching cannot guarantee training success. Training success and progress depend on various factors such as physical and mental condition, nutrition, sleep, motivation, discipline and consumer behaviour. Lucas Graf Coaching can only accompany and support you on your way.